Task 2. Choose the correct word.

6. Everything was closed. It was like a ghost / busy town.
7. My parents buy the weekly newspapers every Sunday.
8. There were many new / ruined buildings in that ghost town.
9. I was really puzzled / worried. I didn’t understand it.
10. His parents were very excited / worried because he didn’t come home.
11. We heard / said a strange noise.
12. Tom gave / saw a ghost in the hall.
13. He fell asleep because he was very tired / naughty.
14. They are puzzled / bored because they have nothing to do.
15. The street is deserted / crowded. Look at all these people.

Task 3. Match the adjectives to their opposites.

16. beautiful A. polluted
17. busy B. ugly
18. crowded C. stressed
19. clean D. quiet
20. relaxed E. deserted


Task 4. Choose the correct item.

21. The Smiths moves / moved to the USA last week.
22. These days he lives / lived in a cottage in the country.
23. They work / worked in a factory in 1970.
24. The town is / was a busy place today.
25. We often visit / visited the beach when we were young.
26. She opens / opened the box and took out her present.
27. He comes / came back late yesterday.
28. I meet / met with my friends at weekends.
29. Nowadays a lot of people travel / travelled around the world.

Task 5. Write the Past form of the verbs.

30. have - ……….
31. try - ………….
32. read - ………..
33. be - …………..
34. stop - ………..
35. make - ………
36. go - …………..
37. stay - ……….
38. hear - ………
39. find - ………

Task 6. Write the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

40. We…. (go) to the cinema last week.
41. How many books ….. (you / buy)?
42. – …… they (be) happy when they moved to their new house?
43. – Yes, they ….. (be), but their son (not / be).
44. – How much money …… (you / spend) on your camera?
45. – I …… (spend) about $100.
46. Where …… (he / find) this book?
47. …… she (have) lunch at work?
48. My parents …….. (decide) to paint the house.
49. I’m sorry. I …… (not / do) my homework last night.


Task 7. Choose the correct response.

50. Do any of these look familiar? A. Some money and a camera.
51. What was in it? B. You’re welcome.
52. What does it look like? C. Yes, what can I do for you?
53. Excuse me. Is this Mr Brown’s office? D. Yes, the one in the corner is mine.
54. Here you are. E. It’s black with a silver handle.
55. Thank you very much. F. Thank you.


Task 8. Read the the text and choose the best word A, B or C for each space.

I had 56) ………. great day! I woke up 57) ………. 7 o’clock and the sky 58) ………. blue. I met Larry and George at the port at nine and we left for Little Island. The sea was calm (спокойный) and the trip only 59) ………. an hour. When we arrived, we 60) ………. swimming and then we had a picnic on the beach.
61) ………. the afternoon, we went for a walk around the island. We 62) ………. an empty house on the top of a hill. There 63) ………. a lot of strange paintings on the walls of the house. It was cool!
When we came out of the house, the sky was grey and then it started to rain. We decided to leave the island but the sea was 64) ………. rough. The boat moved up and down and from side to side on the waves. We 65) ………. very afraid but it was also fun. It took 66) ………. two hours to get back but we arrived safely.
When I got home, my mum was very 67) ………. but I 68) ………. her that I had had a really great day.

56. A the B a C an
57. A at B on C of
58. A was B were C had
59. A was B took C last
60. A went B walked C came
61. A On B At C In
62. A found B met C heard
63. A was B were C had
64. A very B lot C much
65. A are B was C were
66. A our B us C them
67 A puzzled B bored C worried
68 A told B saw C heard

zapiskymail: За такую уйму 10 баллов как-то маловато.....(((((


Ответ дал: bobok3112x
6. Ghost 7.....8.ruined 9.puzzled 10. Worried 11.
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