Test 8. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1. It is useless … this question.
а) discuss b) to discuss c) discussed

2. … motion a muscle requires energy.
a) produced b) to produce c) producing

3. In order … we need oxygen, food and water.
a) lives b) living c) to live

4. I like … classes in biology.
a) attending b) attend c) attended

5. The body needs vitamins and minerals in order … normally.
a) to work b) working c) works

6. … means to live.
a) to breath b) breathing c) will breath

7. There is no necessity of … the patient again.
a) questioning b) question c) questions

8. He is likely … soon .
a) recover b) to recover c) recovers

9. This medicine is found … very useful in case of pneumonia.
a) to be b) was being c) had been

10. There are different methods of … this disease.
a) treat b) treated c) treating


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1 - b

2 - b

3 - с

4 - a

5 - a

6 - a (только глагол пишется так: breathe)

7 - a

8 - b

9 - a

10 - c

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