Test 10. Выберите правильный вариант. “Participle. Gerund.”

1. . . . chronic fatigue is a symptom of stress.
a) felt c) feel
b) feeling d) is felt

2. Professor told us about . . . the hypophysis disfunctions.
a) diagnose c) was diagnosed
b) diagnosed d) diagnosing

3. We use the results . . . at the laboratory.
a) obtaining c) having obtained
b) obtain d) being obtained

4. The best method in this case is . . . the affected organ.
a) removing c) remove
b) removes d) removed

5. . . . the experiments, research workers use modern equipment.
a) makes c) making
b) made d) will make

6. The students . . . part in the conference must be here at 12 o’clock.
a) takes c) took
b) taking d) taken

7. An interesting article was . . . in the central newspaper
a) publishes c) published
b) publishing d) publish

8. All the phenomena . . . by researchers were well known.
a) described c) describing
b) describe d) will describe

9. . . . the work, they went for a walk.
a) having completed c) shall complete
b) completes d) was completed

10. This student is . . . an article.
a) written c) writing
b) write d) wrote


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1 - b

2 - d

3 - d

4 - a

5 - с

6 - b

7 - с

8 - a

9 - a

10 - c

elizavetatchetverick: спасибооо
bikabushhhh: Здравствуйте можете помочь https://znanija.com/task/34707019
bikabushhhh: Здравствуйте можете помочь https://znanija.com/task/34707019 !!!
Ответ дал: bobok3112x
1. B 2. A 3.c 4. C 5. A 6.b 7. C 8.a 9.d 10. C
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