Test 5. Выберите правильный вариант прилагательного:

1. He spoke … than expected.
a) more b) best c) worst d) worse e) most

2. The sooner you take your medicine, … you will feel.
a) soon b) good c) the better d) the best e) the soonest

3. This is … way to the University.
a) short b) shorter c) shortest d) the shortest e) more shorter

4. … of these exercises have been done in written form.
a) much b) good c) many d) most e) more

5. This report is as … as the previous one.
a) better b) good c) less d) the worst e) the best

6. The larger the windows, … the rooms.
a) the lighter b) the more c) the lightest d) the most e) the largest

7. We get up … than usual on Sundays.
a) latest b) the latest c) later d) the later e) late

8. This text is … of all.
a) difficult b)more difficult c) less difficult d) the most difficult e) most difficult

9. A new hospital is….than the one in Novaya Street.
a) large b) larger c) the largest d) the lager e) largest

10. This work is … that one.
a) easy b) easier c) the easiest d)the easier e) easiest


Ответ дал: sovushkabyasha

d c d c b a c d b b


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