пожайлуста, помагите составить предложения из этих слов:
2. meat/never/eat/i/because/don t/l/it/like
3. listen/evening/the/to/parents/radio/ the/my/always/in
4.holiday/ how/do/have/often/a/you/?
5. sometimes/restaurant/we/Japanese/go/a/to


Ответ дал: Diomeda
1)Вщ tou often go to the cinema?
2)I never eat maen because i dont like it
4)How often do you have a holiday?
5)Sometimes we go to a Japanese restaurant.
6)I am never late for school
Ответ дал: tralalash
1. Do you often go to the cinema?
2. I never eat meat because i don^t like it.
3. My parents  always listen to the radio in the evening.
4. How often do you have a holiday?
5. Sometimes we go to a Japanese restaurant.
6. I am never late for school.
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