Complete the sentence with is,is not,are,are not,am or am not.

1)I... Spanish, I'mGreek.

2)Petre......a good student. He's bad one!

3)Our eyes.....blue. They're brown.

4)My sister......a police officer, she's a journalist.

5).....his brother tail?

6)The bus....late, it's here now.

7)......you okay?

8)That film.....very good. The story is very boring.

9)They.......tired, they're hungry

10).......it cold today?


Ответ дал: tatianamakarkina25

1) am not

2) is not

3) are not

4)is not

5) Is

6) is not

7) Are

8) is not

9) are not

10) is

Надеюсь поможет! Если не сложно можешь отметить мой ответ как лучший?

Egor22878: Спасибо тебе
tatianamakarkina25: Пожалуйста!
Egor22878: помоги с другими вопросами по англ я добавил зайди просто на мой профиль
tatianamakarkina25: Хорошо
Ответ дал: Rahmann

1)I am not Spanish, I'm Greek.

2)Petre is not a good student. He's bad one!

3)Our eyes are not blue. They're brown.

4)My sister is not a police officer, she's a journalist.

5)Is his brother tail?

6)The bus is not late, it's here now.

7)Are you okay?

8)That film is not very good. The story is very boring.

9)They are not tired, they're hungry.

10)Is it cold today?

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