Correct the mistakes
(Present,Past,Future) Simple
1)They wants to go to the cinema last Saturday
2)where i see you tomorrow?-we is at school
3)do you buy a new car last year?
4)my mom cook very well
5)Pete and Ted swim a lot last summer
6)there is no lamp on the well
7)they not cone school yesterday
8)he liked to go to the river every day
9)you see your friend yesterday?


Ответ дал: Yata26


1)They wanted to go to the cinema last Saturday

2)where will i see you tomorrow?-we wiil be at school

3)did you buy a new car last year?

4)my mom cooks very well

5)Pete and Ted swam a lot last summer

6)there is no lamp on the wall

7)they did not come at school yesterday

8)he likes to go to the river every day

9)Did you see your friend yesterday?


6 и 7 предложение там нет ошибок? а то мне кажется должно быть вот так

glkhslend: В 6 все верное написано
Но в 7 там come, a не coneошиблась
Yata26: я 7 исправила
glkhslend: Спасибо большое!!!!
Ответ дал: tanya05080


1) they wanted go to the sinema last Saturday

2) will I see you tomorrow?

3) did you buy a new car last year?

4) my mom looks very well

5) Pete and Ted swam a lot last summer

6) there isn't lamp on the well

7) he likes to go to river every day

8) did you see your friends yesterday?

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