Помогите с английским пожалуйста !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Умоляю срочно косвенная речь



Ответ дал: alexandra2132


упр 1

Sally said that she was planning to go to Kenya.

little Antony said that he took his little sister to school every day

Nonna said that I might take her textbook.

Mary said that she didn't like chocolate.

the teacher said that the birds built their nests among the trees.

Petra said that she couldn't read those books and she added that she didn't like them

упр 2

the doctor asked me if something was wrong with me.

the doctor asked me if I was taking some medicine then

the doctor asked me if I liked sports.

the doctor asked me if I had a good appetite.

the doctor asked me if I would follow his advice.

KennyLans: Здравствуйте, извините за беспокойство, но нужна очень ваша помощь. Могли бы мне помочь?
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