1. There are few jobs that don’t … special training.

a) look for b) decide c) require

2. He always keeps his word, he is very…

a) responsible b) impossible c) flexible

3) We don’t … new people now, we are short of money.

a) fire b) employ c) start

4. If you take up this job it will give you a lot of … for promotion.

a) fringe benefits b) shifts c) opportunities

5. The company is… its exports to more and more countries.

a) increasing b) meeting c) running

6. I’m … the mail now.

a) looking after b) looking up c) looking through

7. The CEO is… the whole company.

a) in need of b) in charge of c) in support of

8. I’m calling about my … for Monday; I’m afraid, I’m busy on Monday.

a) business matters b) appointment c) subsidiary

9. Mr. Stevens works hard and has much experience. He is a very…employee.

a) reasonable b) efficient c) high quality

10. We always order cartridges from them. They are our old…

a) suppliers b) customers c) subsidiaries

11. When the company… its innovative product it immediately became the market leader.

a) reached b) launched c) directed

12. The Managing director … the profit with the clever strategy the company used.

a) linked b) entered c) produced

13. We produce a wide … of health products.

a) network b) production c) range

14. An… … is the place where the workers put together the components of cars.

a) engineering group b) assembly plant c) manufacturing plant

15. … … appeals to Nick as he has classes at the university in the mornings.

a) work in shifts b) full-time work c) part-time work.


Ответ дал: klihri83


1.c) 2.a) 3.b) 4.c) 5.a) 6.c) 7.b) 8.b) 9.a) 10.a) 11.b) 12.c) 13.c) 14.b) 15.c)


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