26. A: ______________ you mind helping me move this table? B: Not at all. Where shall I put it?

Wouldn't Will Could Would

27. A: I like shopping alone but my wife insisted ___________ too. B: I think it's more fun together too.

to come coming for coming on coming

28. A: Do you know what the Queen is going to say in her speech? B: I imagine she ____________ that it has been a good year.

be saying be say will be saying says

29. A: Do you think you will take that job? B: I don't know. I can't _______ my mind.

decide on make up change up think to

30. A: What did she say to your idea about joining a sports club? B: She was really ___________ .

enthusiast enthusiasm enthusiastical enthusiastic

31. A: What are you doing on Saturday afternoon? B: I ______ my hair done.

am getting get am doing have

32. A: How do you feel? B: Not good. I wish I ____________ that big meal last night.

didn't have wouldn't have had hadn't had hadn't

33. A: Would you like to go out tonight? B: Not really – I'd ________ stay at home and watch TV.

rather prefer like want

34. A: So Jack worked hard to get promotion, didn't he? B: Yes, If he ____________ worked so hard, he might have lost his job.

wasn't hadn't weren't would not have

35. A: Why did you arrive so late? B: We stopped ___________ some shopping along the way.

to make doing to do making

36. A: When are you going to see your dentist? B: I ________ an appointment on July 24th.

have make attend to go on

37. A: What is a platypus? B: It's an animal _____ lives near rivers in Australia. It's quite rare.

which it who what

38. A: __________ you do as you are told; you will not be allowed in this class.

B: OK then, if you insist.

If only If Supposing Unless

39. A: All flights from Manchester have been cancelled. B: I suppose you'd ________ take the train then.

rather well better should

40. A: He seems very confident of success. B: Yes. Well, he doesn't _____ courage.

have lack lack of lack to lack


Ответ дал: blackberrycupcake

1. Would

2. on coming

3. will be saying

4. make up

5. enthusiastic

6. am getting

7. wouldn't have

8. rather

9. hadn't

10. to do

11. have

12. who

13. Unless

14. better

15. lack

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