Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
1. We were really … (shocked/shocking) when they announced test
results. 2. We were very … (disappointed/disappointing), as they hadn’t come to
a conclusion after difficult negotiations. 3. I’m really … (interesting/interested)
in the area of innovation in the Internet marketing. 4. We were …
(surprising/surprised) that he had refused to participate in the conference.
5. He was … (exhausting/exhausted) after a long trip. 6. The customer was …
(satisfied/satisfying) with the test results. 7. The operating instructions for the
new equipment were unclear and … (confused/confusing). 8. His speech was
really … and was followed by an … discussion. (inspired/inspiring,


Ответ дал: erkinovelmurod549


1. Shocked

2. Dissapointed

3. Interested

4. Surprised

5. Exhausted

6. Satisfied

7. Confusing

8. Inspiring, exciting


Если лицо (he, she it,) то обычно прил. заканчивается - ed

Если предмет то - ing

Ответ дал: nunny

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. We were really (shocked) when they announced test results.

2. We were very  (disappointed), as they hadn’t come to a conclusion after difficult negotiations.

3. I’m really  (interested) in the area of innovation in the Internet marketing.

4. We were (surprised) that he had refused to participate in the conference.

5. He was  (exhausted) after a long trip.

6. The customer was (satisfied) with the test results.

7. The operating instructions for the new equipment were unclear and  (confusing).

8. His speech was really … and was followed by an … discussion. (inspiring, excited)

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