III. Задайте вопрос к подчеркнутому слову:

He has been to the beach this week. Where …? (подчеркнутое слово: to the beach)
The boy has written the letter to his grandmother. What …? (подчеркнутое слово: the letter)
I have eaten pizza many times. How many times …? (подчеркнутое слово: many times)
He has translated the text by now. By what time …? (подчеркнутое слово: by now)
We have visited a lot of museums. What …? (подчеркнутое слово: a lot of museums)


Ответ дал: Rahmann

• Where has he been this week?

• What has the boy written to his grandmother?

• How many times have I eaten pizza?

• By what time has he translated the text?

• What have we visited?

© Rahmann

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