Complete the sentences using the words in the box.
voyage, tour, trip, cruise, travel, journey
1. Last year Sam went on a ___________ of Europe, and visited seven countries in two weeks.
2. I went on a one-week __________ around the Mediterranean, on a huge ship called
the “Ventura”.
3. Last Saturday Tina went on a school _______ to London and visited the
Houses of Parliament.
4. None of Tim’s friends enjoy _______, so he always goes on holiday alone!
5. It was a long ________ from Cairo to Istanbul, but all the travellers enjoyed it.
6. Our ship sailed from Australia on a long _________ that took us all the way to Britain.


Ответ дал: korunchyk


1. Last year Sam went on a tour of Europe, and visited seven countries in two weeks.

2. I went on a one-week cruise around the Mediterranean, on a huge ship called the “Ventura”.

3. Last Saturday Tina went on a school trip to London and visited the

Houses of Parliament.

4. None of Tim’s friends enjoy travel, so he always goes on holiday alone!

5. It was a long journey from Cairo to Istanbul, but all the travellers enjoyed it.

6. Our ship sailed from Australia on a long voyage that took us all the way to Britain.

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