Complete the sentences below. The first letter of the missing word has been given. 1. A quantity of goods prepared at the same time is known as a b- - --. 2. To put parts together to produce the final product is to a - - - - - - -. 3. Production processes convert inputs to o - - - - - -. 4. The process of buying inputs is known as p - - - - - - - - -. 5. A part which is used in the final product is called a c - - - - - - - -. 6. To get the best possible level of production is to o - - - - - - -


Ответ дал: korunchyk


1. A quantity of goods prepared at the same time is known as a batch.

2. To put parts together to produce the final product is to assemble.

3. Production processes convert inputs to outputs.

4. The process of buying inputs is known as purchasing.

5. A part which is used in the final product is called a component.

6. To get the best possible level of production is to optimize.

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