. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в Present Perfect Tense:

John (drink) his coffee.
She (clean) the floor.
My father (take) the dog for a walk.
We (have) breakfast.
Mary (write) her name.
Boris (blow) out the light.
The tree (fall) down across the road.
You (make) a mistake.
The bus just (go).
They never (be) to America.


Ответ дал: mar1na12


John has drunk his coffee.

She has cleaned the floor.

My father has taken the dog for a walk.

We have had breakfast.

Mary has written her name.

Boris has blown out the light.

The tree has fallen down across the road.

You have made a mistake.

The bus has just gone.

They have never been to America.

Ответ дал: lobanovaarisa311


John has drunk his coffee

she has cleaned the floor

my father has taken the dog for a walk

we have had breakfast

Mary has written her name

Boris has blown out the light

the tree have fallen down across the road

you have made a mistake

the bus has just gone

they have never been to America

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