.Поставить предложения в нужном времени Past Simple or Present Perfect:

1. Last year the dancing company ( to become) the participant in the international festival.

2. I (to know) him since 2000.

3. The actors (to do) their best to make the performance interesting.

4. We (to get) excellent seats.

5. Yesterday we (to go) to the concert.

6. Maksimova (to dance) the main part in the ballet last time.

7. The performance ( not to start) yet.

8. Yesterday we ( to leave) our coats in the cloak -room.

9. They already (to see) the ballet Swan Lake.


Ответ дал: ekaterinabatkovna
  1. Last year the dancing company became the participant in the international festival.
  2. I have known him since 2000.
  3. The actors did their best to make the performance interesting.
  4. We have gotten excellent seats.
  5. Yesterday we went to the concert.
  6. Maksimova danced the main part in the ballet last time.
  7. The performance hasn't started yet.
  8. Yesterday we left our coats in the cloak - room.
  9. They have already seen the ballet Swan Lake.
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