Образуйте из двух данных вам предложений одно
1. Don`t worry about it. It is no use. – it is no use worrying about it.
2. Don`t get a taxi. It is not worth it. – ……………………………..
3. Don`t try to escape. It is no use. – ……………………………....
4. Don`t smoke. It is a waste of money. – ………………………....
5. Don`t hurry. It`s not worth it. – ………………………………....
6. Don`t read newspapers. It`s a waste of time. – ……………….....
7. Don`t get angry. It`s not worth it. – …………………………......
8. Don`t study if you are feeling tired. There is no point. –………..


Ответ дал: Hsquad06
2. It’s not worth getting a taxi.
3. There’s no use in escaping.
4. Не уверена но думаю что smoking is a waste of money
5. It’s not worth hurrying
6. It’s a waste of time to read newspapers.
7.It’s not worth getting angry
8. There’s no point in studying if you’re feeling tired.
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