Сочинение на английском языке на тему "Компьютер позволяет лучше подготавливаться к будущему"


Ответ дал: arina4483
Nowadays computer takes big part in our live. Every day we surf in the Internet and search some information that can help us to answer on a question.
For an example my friend spends a lot of time at his computer and like a result, he has a bad vision. He said me that in it, he prepare better for future. As for me l don’t agree with this, because when you have a communication with people you start to make a new friends that can help you in future.
Secondly, in real life you should express your opinion, respond quickly to situations and etc.
Consequently l think that more advantages in real life than in computer that can help you in some situations in future, so l don’t agree with that computers could better prepare you to future

arina4483: Там где As for me l don’t agree with him, будет лучше звучать
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