Помогите пожалуйста с 48 и 49



Ответ дал: alyonakatz0110
48) 1. You may have to pay a fee for this product. 2. Maybe he shares my opinion. 3 your friends may have already started this work. 4. She might be practicing on the piano right now. 5 they May have been going through customs for an hour and a half. 6. Maybe it wasn't an accident, maybe it was just a street accident. 7. Your ad in the newspaper may attract their attention, but it is unlikely. 8. You could be more patient with the child. 9. You could make an effort to come to their aid when it was difficult for them.
49) 1. Did you have to get up early yesterday? - Yeah. 2. You should not be afraid to make mistakes if you want to speak good English. 3. Unfortunately, we have to stay in the city this summer. 4. You shouldn't start a new book if you haven't finished reading this one. 5. Did you have to go to the doctor again? 6. I think you should send her flowers. She loves them very much. 7. I had a high fever and had to skip this lecture. 8. Does he have to answer these emails today or can he do it tomorrow? 9. School was over, but we had to stay at school, we couldn't go home. 10. Your father should go to the hospital. He's a very sick man.
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