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Ответ дал: ALEXAAAN



1. There are a lot of houses in town.

2. Where did they go yesterday?

3. Who does Mary usually go to the country with?

4. What colour is a banana?

5. There are no leaves on the trees.

6. There is a dog near the door.

7. It didn't snow last winter.

8. The book was very interesting.

9. They can draw well.

10. We must not eat on the bus.

We went to the Zoo on Sunday. 2. How many pets do they have? 3. I will not see my friend soon. 4. What will he do at weekends? 5. He uses the computer at work. 6. He does not know the girl. 7. They do not study English. 8. I was not at school yesterday. 9. These were many people in the park. 10. They were at the cinema last week.

EzMercury: знаешь как 4 сделать?
ALEXAAAN: Так сейчас устаканим это дело
ALEXAAAN: I go to work every day.
At 7 o'clock I get up.
  My brother reads in the evening.
I speak  English very well.
I love sweets!
My sister loves dogs.                                                                                                              Children play with a dog every day.                                                                                        We usually come home at 2 o’clock.
EzMercury: спасибо
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