1. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.
a) They have left Moscow.
b) Mary has taken the children to the park.
c) Kate has made a dress for her doll.
d) I have bought a present for Mary.
e) They have sold their house.
f) You have seen my teacher.
g) They have sent Peter five books.
h) The street has become wide.
i) I have found a ring.
j) Nick has given me his coat.

2. Какой глагол выбрать?
a) I (reads, have read) all the novels by this writer.
b) John (comes, has come) to Moscow.
c) My mother (buys, has bought) anew bag for me.
d) I (leave, have left) my book at school.
e) They (didn’t do, haven’t done) this exercise yesterday.
f) Nick (draws, has drawn) a picture.
g) The child (saw, has seen) never a Zoo.
h) I (read, have read) just this article.
i) The baby (has broken, breaks) the toy.
j) I (is choosing, have chosen) a good present for my mother.


Ответ дал: reka08
a) They haven’t left Moscow.
b) Mary hasn’t taken children to the park.
c) Kate hasn’t made a dress for her doll.
d) I haven’t bought a present for Mary.
e) They haven’t sold their house.
f) You haven’t see my teacher .
g) They haven’t sent Peter five books.
h) The street has become wide.
i) I haven’t found ring.
j) Nick hasn’t given me his coat.


a) have read
b) comes
c) buys
d) leave
e) didn’t do
f) draws
g) has seen
h) have read
i) breaks
j) have chosen

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