Fill in the passive form of the verbs in brackets. Use the present simple.
1. This computer ______________________ in the USA. (make)
2. Her dog __________________________ Rover. (call)
3. Lots of new cars _______________________ by train. (transport)
4. Our neighbours' house ____________________ every year. (paint)
5. Jim _______________ well by the new company owners. (not pay)
6. Today many insects _______________________ by poison. (kill)
7. Baby seals ______________________on dangerous beaches. (bear)
8. English __________________ in many parts of the world. (speak)
9. This theme park _____________ very often on weekdays. (not visit)
10. These watches _____________________ in Switzerland. (make)
11. This helicopter ______________ for taking people to hospital. (use)
12. All her toys __________________________ in a big box. (keep)
13. The buses __________________________ every week. (clean)
14. The post __________________________ twice a day. (collect)
15. Foreign vegetables ________________ on this market. (not sell)
16. Whales ________________ in order to make cosmetics. (hunt)
17. Excellent tea _________________ by India and Sri Lanka. (export)
18. The corridors ___________________ on weekends. (not clean)
19. Every year a big Christmas tree ____________ up in our town. (put)
20. The tennis court next to our house _________ very often. (not use).


Ответ дал: Rahmann
  1. is made
  2. is called
  3. are transported
  4. is painted
  5. is not (isn't) payed
  6. are killed
  7. are beared
  8. is spoken
  9. is not (isn't) visited
  10. are made
  11. is used
  12. are kept
  13. are cleaned
  14. is collected
  15. are not (aren't) sold
  16. are hunted
  17. is exported
  18. are not (aren't) cleaned
  19. is put
  20. is not (isn't) used
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