Помогите сделать упражнение
Use the verbs in brackets in present continuous
1) The clock (to strike) in the next room.
2) Father and mother (to get up).
3) My sister (to make) tea.
4. They ... breakfast. (to have)
5. My brother... continual. ly ... about his wife's health. (to worry)
6. I. my home. work. (to do)
7. Mother... dinner. (to cook) Grandmother her, (to help)
8. It ... dark. (to get) The wind . (to blow) The sun . not ... home. (to run)
9. Hallo! Where .. you ..?-1. to the library. .. you ... there, too?- No, I... to a friend of mine. (to go)
10. You... always.. at the lessons. (to talk)
11. The Orlovs.. to the Far East this summer. (to go)
12. Come and say good-bye. Our guests ... in a minute. (to leave)
13. We . a figure skating competition tonight. (to watch) 14. She ... guests on Sunday. (to receive) (to shine) It.... (to rain) We


Ответ дал: jennilewis

1, is striking

2. are getting up

3. is making

4. are having

5. is worrying

6. am doing

7. is cooking, is helping

8. is getting, is blowing, is running

9. are you going, am going to

10. are talking

11. is going

12. are leaving

13. are watching

14. is receiving, it is raining

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