Rewrite sentences in the passive making all the necessary changes. (Перепиши предложения в пассивном залоге, производя все необходимые изменения.)

1. The boys walk the dog every day.

2. They will open the new sports center soon.

3. Has Mark written a poem for you?

4. When will they repair my car?

5. They clean these rooms every day.


Ответ дал: nurmiraesenbaeva


1. The boys walk the dog every day.

The dog is walked every day by boys

2. They will open the new sports center soon.

New sports center will be opened soon by them

3. Has Mark written a poem for you?

Has a poem been written for you by Mark?

4. When will they repair my car?

When will my car be repaired by them?

5. They clean these rooms every day.

These rooms are cleaned every day by them

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