Вставьте пропущенные слова:
complete, drop out, apply for, graduate, enrol, hand in, win, do, study, attend

1) Ben is in his bedroom, _________ for his exams.
2) Helen _________ the assignment on time.
3) If I pass all my exams this year, I am hoping to ________ a scholarship to study in the United States.
4) Nick _______ of college after his second year.
5) Once you have ______, you will be given your student card.
6) Sarah chose to do her Master's degree part time because she could only _______ evening classes.
7) The deadline to ______ a summer position as a camp counsellor is June 1st.
8) Tommy _______ from university over six months ago but he still hasn't managed to find a job.
9) When Frank finished his school, he decided to ______ an apprenticeship as a technician.
10) You must ______ your essay to me by Friday at the latest.


Ответ дал: korunchyk


1) Ben is in his bedroom, studying for his exams.

2) Helen completed the assignment on time.

3) If I pass all my exams this year, I am hoping to win a scholarship to study in the United States.

4) Nick dropped out of college after his second year.

5) Once you have enrolled, you will be given your student card.

6) Sarah chose to do her Master's degree part time because she could only attend evening classes.

7) The deadline to apply for a summer position as a camp counsellor is June 1st.

8) Tommy graduated from university over six months ago but he still hasn't managed to find a job.

9) When Frank finished his school, he decided to do an apprenticeship as a technician.

10) You must hand in your essay to me by Friday at the latest.

Fregaten4356: 2. Правильный ответ будет completed
Fregaten4356: 9. Правильный ответ будет do
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