Помогите пожалуйста с английским
1) This story … (write) in 1886.
2) The salad … (make) with tomatoes and peppers.
3) She can’t use her office at the moment. It … (paint).
4) Look at my car! It’s OK again. It … (fix).
5) Our homework … (check) every day by the teacher.
6) The house … (clean). We can invite our friends now.
7) My bike … (steal) last week.
8) Some new subjects … (teach) in our school next year.
9) What’s the time? – I don’t know. My watch … (repair) at the moment.​


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1 was written

2 is made

3 is being painted

4 has been fixed

5 is checked

6 has been cleaned

7 was stolen

8 will be taught

9 is being repaired

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