помогите срочно!!!
I (to sit) in the waintingroom at the doctor now
I (not to work)in my office now
Eric (to talk)about his not i day plans,but Kenny (not to listen)to him. He (to think) about his new car at the moment's
My friend (to live) in St Petersburg
My cousin (not to live)in Moscow
The children a not sleep now
The children plays in the yard every day


Ответ дал: KatyaS2005


I'm sitting in the waiting room at the doctor mow

I'm not working in my office now

Eric's talking about his not i day (либо я чего-то не знаю, либо здесь ошибка) plans, but Kenny isn't listening to him. He's thinking about his new car at the moment

My friend is living in St Petersburg

My cousin isn't living in Moscow

The children aren't sleeping now

The children play in the yard every day

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