6. Sam speaks so quiet/quietly that nobody can hear him,
7. He is a terrible/terribly cook. I can't eat his dishes.
8. 'Sorry, but we can't go for a walk today. It's raining heavy/heavily."
9. Ben is a good/well singer.
10. Mum, don't worry. John is a very careful/carefully driver,
11. Dog barks loud/loudly.
12.Slow down, please! You're running too quick/quickly.
13.The police came sudden/suddenly.
14.Laura speaks French very bad/badly.
15.I always feel very nervous/nervously before the exam,​


Ответ дал: fromka79


6. quietly

7. terrible

8. heavily

9. good

10. careful

11. loudly

12. quickly

13. suddenly

14. badly



Ответ дал: sitkinv



6. Sam speaks so quietly that nobody can hear him,

7. He is a terrible cook. I can't eat his dishes.

8. 'Sorry, but we can't go for a walk today. It's raining heavily."

9. Ben is a good singer.

10. Mum, don't worry. John is a very careful driver,

11. Dog barks loudly.

12.Slow down, please! You're running too quickly.

13.The police came suddenly.

14.Laura speaks French very badly.

15.I always feel very nervous before the exam,​

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