Преобразовать предложения в пассивную или активную форму.
Circle passive or active verb form. Then translate the sentences.

1. The door makes / is made from glass.
2. Derek posted / was posted his letter to the university today.
3. We did a lot of work for the company but we didn’t pay / weren’t paid.
4. My friend Douglas speaks / is spoken seven languages.
5. A new hospital will build / will be built in the town centre.
6. You can’t come in here – the room is cleaning / is being cleaned.
7. We have invited / have been invited to John’s party tonight.


Ответ дал: MrsVaderr

1. The door is made from glass.  - Дверь сделана из стекла.

2. Derek posted his letter to the university today.  - Сегодня Дерек отправил письмо в университет.

3. We did a lot of work for the company but we weren’t paid. - Мы многое сделали для компании, но нам не заплатили.  

4. My friend Douglas speaks seven languages.  - Мой друг Дуглас говорит на семи языках.

5. A new hospital will be built in the town centre. - Новую больницу построят в центре города.

6. You can’t come in here – the room is being cleaned.  - Вам сюда нельзя - в комнате убираются.

7. We have been invited to John’s party tonight. - Нас пригласили на вечеринку Джона сегодня вечером.

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