-Помогите пожалуйста с этим заданием ,буду очень благодарен Вам)
Complete the sentences with the correct question tags:
1)He doesn*t like you,___?
2)You went there yesterday,___?
3)She won*t be late for our meeting,___?
4)They haven*t done it yet,___?
5)You can come at 5 pm,___?
6)He was already finished his project,___?
7)It isn*t very expensive,___?
8)You will be able to come,___?
9)They told us the truth,___?
10)You don*t really believe it,___?


Ответ дал: dead5root


1) does he?

2) didn't you?

3) will she?

4) have they?

5) couldn't you?

6) hadn't he?

7) is it?

8) won't you?

9) didn't they?

10) do you?

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