Выполнить упражнения
This jacket doesn’t suit me,-------------?
Let’s go out tonight,------------?
Nina has seen this film already,------------?
Open the front door,------------?
The news was depressing,------------?
Mary’s got black hair,------------?
She’s about fifty, --------------?
Don’t close the window, --------------?
You like modern art, ---------------?
Oleg came from Murmansk ------------?
We can ask at the tourist office, ----------?
She isn’t listening to me, --------------?
I’ve told you once, --------------?
Listen carefully, ----------?
You’d met Fred before, -------------?
Mice like cheese, -------------?
He’d never been there before, ----------?
I shouldn’t have lost my temper, --------?
There’s some milk in the fridge, ---------?
You can’t stand heavy metal, -------------?
Someone telephoned, -------------?
He had to sell his house, ----------?
I am right, -----?
He apologized, -----?
He’d never met her before, ------?
You wouldn’t tell anyone, -----?
You have been to Great Britain, ----?
His sister is getting married soon, -----?
Paul passed his driving test yesterday, -----?​


Ответ дал: kolobok6979


1.does it

2.aren't we

3.hasn't she

4.aren't you

5.wasn't it

6.hasn't she

7.isn't she

8.do you

9.aren't you

10.isn't he

11.can't we

12.is she

13.haven't I

14.aren't you

15.hadn't you

16.isn't he

17.had he

18.should I

19.isn't it

20.can you

21.isn't he/she


23.haven't I( не уверен)

24.isn't he

25.hadn't he

26.wouldn't you

27.haven't you

28.isn't she

29.hadn't he

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