Английский пожалуйста



Ответ дал: BangeBo


1. We have never heard him...

2. My aunt has stayed with us for a week.

3. Has it stopped raining yet?

4. I have met a lot of....

5. The car already has broken down...

6. Have you had a holiday this year yet?

7. ... He just has found a new job.

8. ... You have smoked ten cigarettes since morning.

9. Have you ever visit that country?

10. The little girl has never eaten cavier.

11. Is this the first time you have ridden a horse?

12. ... I haven't smoked for two years.

13. I haven't played the piano since I felt ill.

14. Have you lost them?

15. I think she has fallen in love with Adam.

16. I just have found the money....

17. ...There has been an accident.

18. We have read about ....

19. Wht have you done to him?

20. ... They have been so quite all the afternoon....

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