26. Choose the correct variant
Can you hear you?
A) they to applaud
B)them to applaud-
C)the audience to applaud -
D) the audience applauding-
(E) they applauding

27. Choose the correct variant
your friend....A good time every weekend?
A) Do,have B) Do, has C) Does have !
D) Did, had
E)Does, has

28. Choose the correct prepositions,
We decided to travel... car.. the seashore
A)by, along B)in,along C)by, with
D) in, up E)with, down

29. Choose the line of regular verbs.
A) to send to make 1o cul
B) to get, to leam, to live
C) to write, to begin, to take
D) to know, to win. lo come
D to enjoy, to finish, to open​


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