8. ___ from Monday to Friday?
1) Do she work
2) Is she working
3) Does she work
4) Has she work

She always ___ there when she's in London.
1) stay
2) stays
3) is staying
4) are stays

21. ___ what I mean?
1) Do you see
2) Is you seeing
3) Are you seeing
4) Do you sees

22. Ssh! ___ to the radio.
1) I am listening
2) I listen
3) I listening
4) I listens
23. ___ this painting?
1) Do you like
2) Are you liking
3) Do you liking
4) Have you like

24. You are very quiet. What ___ about?
1) do you think
2) is you thinking
3) are you thinking
4) do you thinking

25. Who ___ in that beautiful house?
1) live
2) lives
3) is living
4) are living


Ответ дал: Hsquad06
1.*Does she work* from Monday to Friday?
2. She always *stays* there when she’s in London.
3. *Do you see* what I mean?
4. Ssh! I *am listening* to the radio.
5. Do you like this painting?
6. You were very quiet. What are you thinking about?
7. Who lives in that beautiful house?

slyuda1955: 6.mistake((
Ответ дал: slyuda1955

8.does she work

?. stays

21 Do you see......

22 I am listening...

23 Do you like......

24 What are you thinking......

25 Who lives......

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