Открыть скобки и поставить в правильную форму герундий. Помогите пж

Open the brackets and give the correct form of the Gerund

1. I was surprised at the Judge (to deliver) such a strict and severe verdict to the culprit.

2. My (to try) to raise an objection to the Prosecutor’s question was of no use.

3. When asked why he had been acquitted, John said something about his brother (to be) a Senator.

4. The Police approached without my (to see) them.

5. The Police accused him of (to rob) the bank.

6. She suspected him of constantly (to deceive) her

7. The suspect denied (to be) at the crime scene that evening.

8. After (to correct) by the teacher, the students’ papers were returned to them.

9. The cod weather prevented them from (to go) for long walks.

10. Excuse my (to leave) you at such a tense moment.


Ответ дал: Albina1710


1) delivering

2) trying

3) being

4) seeing

5) robbing

6) deceiving

7) being

8) correcting

9) going

10) leaving

Many24: Сомневаюсь , что тут везде +ing :D
Albina1710: герундий это и есть добавление ing окончания
Many24: Там же есть еще и какие то другие формы - нет?
Albina1710: нет
Many24: Окей - спс
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