

Ответ дал: ramileiskenderova7


I had checked out some productivity books from the library, but I returned them. They mostly contained tips, pages and pages of tips. I flipped through them, briefly, but then I decided I don’t need to read any more tips. I just need to get stuff done.

I took a true holiday for the end of 2018, barely looking in the direction of my computer and letting myself do whatever I chose. That’s why I finished the year covered with downy white feathers. Feathers in my hair, on my sweater, and stuck to my pants. I made pillows, which is something that I previously felt like I didn’t have time to do. I turned old pillows into new ones, and as I hand-stuffed clean pillow filling into new cases, I had to wonder what makes my brain come up with ideas like this? I don’t know.

I do know that the making of something was very soothing, almost meditative, and it made me feel like time stretched out more than the usual.

I think if I can concentrate on working through tasks and noticing the moments when I’m making something, I will find that place of calm even though my project list and work list is long.

I don’t want to be more awesome. I just want to be.

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