1. If it _____(rain) this aftermoon, I _______(do) my homework.
2.Your mobile________(cost) less money if you____(not use) it so often.
3.You_____(can see) the exhibition if you _____(go) to the museum.
4.What_____you_____(like) to see id you_____(be) in a visit to Paris?


Ответ дал: daniali58


1. If it (rains) this aftermoon, I (will do) my homework.

2.Your mobile (will cost) less money if you (do not use) it so often.

3.You (can see) the exhibition if you (go) to the museum.

4.What (would) you (like) to see if you (were) in a visit to Paris?


Задание непонятное, поэтому ответил как думал будет лучше

Ответ дал: qwerty3053
1. Rains; will do
2. Will cost; don’t use
3. Will can see; goes
4) will;like; are
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