Составьте предложения, обращая внимание на место
наречия в предложении.
1. the company, exported, to European countries, before,
its, never, has, goods
2. such a high level, the NICs, as now, reached, in trade,
never, have
3. their goods, to Africa, yet, exported, they, have?
4. have, new machines, we, the productivity, already,
increased, of
5. reached, most African countries, the living standards, have
not, yet, of developed countries
6. the European Union, Lithuania, a member of, recently,
has become


Ответ дал: drakerton


1. The company has never exported its goods to European countries before.  

2. The NICs never have reached such a high level in trade as now.  

3. They have exported their goods to Africa yet.  

4.We have already increased the productivity of new machines.

5. Most African countries have not reached the living standards of developed countries yet.  

6. Lithuania recently has become a member of the European Union.

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