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1.They could dance well,………………………………….?
2. The boys can’t go there, …………………………… ?
3. We can have a party on Sunday, ……………………………..?
4.They can’t see him,……………………………..?
5. There are no toy shops in this street, ………………………………?
6. The cats are lazy, …………………………. ?
7. You aren’t ill, ……………………………….?
8. We are not bad,……………………………… ?
9. It is cold today, …………………………….. ?
10. He is at home, ………………………………. ?
11. She is never ill,…………………………….?
12. Bill was in the country, …………………………….. ?
13.Bill went to the country, …………………………… ?
14. Helen didn’t go to the country, ……………………………. ?
15. Helen wasn’t in the country,…………………………….. ?
16. There will be many animals in the Zoo, ……………………………. ?
17. Susan won’t go to the Zoo, ………………………………?
18. Susan doesn’t like to watch animals, ………………………….?
19. Many birds fly to Africa, ……………………………..?
20. There won’t be many birds in the forests in winter , ………………………?


Ответ дал: YeonaKim


1 couldn't they?

2 can they?

3 can't we?

4 can they?

5 isn't it?

6 aren't they?

7 are you?

8 aren't we?

9 isn't it?

10 isn't he?

11 isn't she?

12 wasn't he?

13 didn't he?

14 did she?

15 was she?

16 won't they?

17 will she?

18 does she?

19 don't they?

20 will they?

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