Insert the prepositions "to", "in", "for", "to", "at", "of", "on", "by" where necessary:
1. My father always comes ... home late.
2. I like to listen … the news ... the morning.
3. My brother leaves ... school ... 8 o'clock a.m.
4. I come ... the University on time.
5. My mother goes ... the theatre every week.
6. I leave ... home ... the University ... half past 7.
7. My mother comes ... home early.
8. It takes him 20 minutes to get... the swimming-pool.
9. It is very cold. Put ... your fur-coat.


Ответ дал: Rahmonmuhlisa675


1 at 2 in at 3 to in 4 in 5 to 6 at  of in 7 at 8 in 9 on


Юллл545: помогите пожалуйста.еще с этим Use the personal pronouns in brackets in the objective forms. Translate the sentences:
1. It takes (they) 2 hours to prepare their lessons.
2. It usually takes (she) an hour to dress for a dancing party.
3. It takes (he) a quarter of an hour to get to his work.
4. It does not take (I) long to comb my hair.
5. It takes (you) too long to do your room.
6. It always takes (we) 3 hours to do the shopping.
How long does it take (you) to make breakfast
Rahmonmuhlisa675: 1 them 2 her 3 him 4 to 5 you 6 us 7 you
Юллл545: спасибо вам огромное)))
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