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Хотя бы что то из этого



Ответ дал: gendos1962

5. )

  1. he will forty nine years old next year
  2. .
  3. the weather will be rainy tomorrow
  4. she will be at home at 5 o'clock
  5. will the manager be at the talks after lunch ?
  6. what will the wether like tomorrow?
  7. will be there many pages in the contract?
  8. one of these days he will be happy to meet his aunt
  9. there will be few people on the beach after lunch
  10. she will be busy typing letters tomorrow morning
  11. there will be no people in the office tonight
  12. a new film will be on at the cinema next week
  13. there will be many children in the garden on Sunday

there will be many students at the lecture next week


  1. i will be ...*(твой возраст )* years old next year
  2. no , i won't go to the cinema on Sunday
  3. yes , my parents will go to the country for the weekend. yes , they will invite me to join them
  4. yes . my close relatives will come to see me at Christmas. yes , they will bring some presents
  5. no , i won't have the college lessons next week
  6. yes , there will be many student at the lesson . yes , all the students will come in time
  7. yes , i will be tired after college
  8. yes , i will have a holiday in summer
  9. yes, i will be free one of these days. i will stay at home and watch films

10. my mother will be ...*( возраст мамы через 5 лет)


  1. i hope the weather will be sunny next week.
  2. a new performance will be on at the Art Theater. let's go and see it one of these days , don't we?
  3. what are you doing here girls ? we are waiting for the bus 8 . tomorrow we won't wait for it too. it will never be on time.
  4. are you still ill , Ann? will you come to college next week ?
  5. the secretary is typing the contract now. it is not ready yet. she is in a hurry. she typed only ten pages. she thought the manager would ger angry with her.
  6. i booked the tickets for the plane right now. i promised
  7. will they take part in the fair next month ? Yes they will. I'm sure they will conclude new agreements there
  8. what goods will you import from France next year? I think we will buy wine, cheese and some other foodstuffs.
  9. will you go to the sea next summer? yes we will. we will swim, sunbathe every day. we will go sightseeing too. we will have s wonderful time there.
  10. I'm afraid he will be tired after talks

11.which of those companies will take part in the computer exhibition next year?


  1. will go
  2. will rain
  3. will get
  4. are going
  5. will

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