Школьные Знания.com I’m a teacher in a big city in ... Ireland with two ... . It’s called Londonderry and Derry. In the past there were problems between ... who wanted to be British and people who wanted to be ... but it’s better now 1 5 - 9 классы Английский язык 5 баллов I’m a teacher in a big city in ... Ireland with two ... . It’s called Londonderry and Derry. In the past there were problems between ... who wanted to be British and people who wanted to be ... but it’s better now. I just say I’m Northern Irish. I live with my mum and ... in Birmingham, in England. My mum’s from Yorkshire. She’s very funny but has a different accent to me. We often visit my mum’s... in Leeds. My grandparents were born in Jamaica, in the Caribbean, and came here to ... . My dad says he’s British but my Mum says she’s ... . I say I’m black British.


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