Помогите пожалуйста!!!
Можно решить не все, но хоть что-то!
Дам 200 очков!

1. Look at the skies! It... rain

А) will Б) is going to В) going to Г) will to

2. I think they ... here in five minutes

А) are going to be Б) be В) going to be Г) will be

3. When he ... us a postcard, we will send him a telegram

А) sends Б) will send В) send Г) is going to send

4. Kate will bring her child if it... very cold

А) will not be Б) don't be В) isn't Г) will be not

5. ... did you get here so soon?

А) when Б) which В) where Г) how

6. ... come here often?

А) do you Б) how do you В) you do Г) you have

7. ... are you late again?

А) where Б) when В) why Г) how

8. ... far is it from here?

А) where Б) how В) when Г) why

9. ... to listen to classic music?

А) who likes Б) who does he like В) who does like Г) who like

10. This book ... five years ago.

А) was written Б) write В) wrote Г) written

11. They ... all the questions well

А) answered Б) answer В) were answered Г) was answered

12. The children ... to play chess in the morning

А) didn't like Б) weren't liked В) didn't liked Г) weren't like

13. My parents ... to the party in the Opera House

А) invited Б) was invited В) were invited Г) invite


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

5 Г

9 А





vladimirowandrey2018: Спасибо огромное!!!
slyuda1955: Пожалуйста
Вас заинтересует