1 . How .......... bread do we have in the kitchen?

1. much B) many C) few

2. We don't drink .............. orange juice.

1. many B) much C) a

3 ..............milk do we need?

1. the B)How much C) How many

4 I don't have ............money.

1. no B)many C)much

5 Are there ….. eggs in the fridge?

1. some B) not many C) any

6. Have you got ... English books at home? -- Yes, I have ... .

1. some, any B) no, some C) any, some

7. I haven’t read …. of these books but George has read …. of them.

A) no, some B) any, any C) any, some

8. I want to buy … cheese.

A) some B) no C) any

9. We didn’t buy …. flowers.

A) no B) any C) some

10. There is ... ink in my pen: I cannot write.

A) some B) any C) no

11. There is ____ milk in the bottle.

A) many B) not many C) much

12. Көпше түрдегі жазылған сөзді таңда:

A) apples B) butters C) sugars

13. Саналмайтын зат есімді таңда:

A) apple B) bread C) grape

14. Be careful! The knife is very sharp. You may cut ..... .

A) youself B) yourselves C) yourself
15. Do your parents grow vegetables ..... instead of buying them from shops?

A) themselves B) yourselves C) himself

16. Sheila doesn’t often buy clothes; she usually makes them ..... .

A) herself B) themselves C) by herself

17. In a cafeteria people help ..... to the food they want.

A) themself B) themselves C) theirselves

18. If we believe in ....., we can accomplish our goals.

A) ourselves B) ourself C) myself

19. Present Perfect етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын тап:

He … about a hundred novels.

A) has write B) has written C) written

20.Present Perfect етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын тап:

We …. а new TV set.

A) have buy B) buyed C) have bought


Ответ дал: aysheidrisova2017
Казахский не знаю прости)

krissxhoney: пасиба все ровно:)
krissxhoney: а если переведу очень сильно нужно:(
Вас заинтересует