Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. My brother ...(stay) with us for three weeks, he hasn’t left yet.

2. It... (rain) hard since morning, I can’t go for a walk.

3. How long ...you ...(look) for her? It’s strange that you can find her nowhere.

4. The sun is shining but the ground is wet because he ...(water) the garden for a long time.

5. She looks very tired. What... she ...(do)?


Ответ дал: kamillochka2745


1. My brother has been staying with us for three weeks, he hasn’t left yet.

2. It has been raining hard since morning, I can’t go for a walk.

3. How long have you been looking for her? It’s strange that you can find her nowhere.

4. The sun is shining but the ground is wet because he has been watering the garden for a long time.

5. She looks very tired. What has she been doing?

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