1. I … (go) to the clinic once a week.
2. He … (is) at the college yesterday.
3. Every night the doctor … (examine) the patients.
4. Jane … (visit) her grandparents a week ago.
5. They … (discuss) this question soon.
6. It … (snow) last night.
7. My mother … (fell) herself well.
8. We … (meet) in the hospital at 5 o’clock tomorrow.
9. My working day … (start) in 3 minutes.
10. He … (buy) a new gown yesterday.


Ответ дал: sunshinechaeyoung


1. Went

2. Was

4. Visited

5. Will discuss

6. Snowed

7. Was felt

8. Wee will or wee would

9. Will start

10. He bought

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