4. Выбери и обведи нужные формы прилагательных, чтобы закончить предложения.

1. The weather is (nastier/the nastiest) today than it was yesterday. 2. It is (worse/the worst) day of all. 3. Jane is a (better/ the best) pupil than Lucy. 4. This book is (more interesting/ the most interesting) than that book. 5. February is (shorter/the shortest) month of the year.


Ответ дал: katyapuh

1. The weather is nastier today than it was yesterday. 2. It is the worst day of all. 3. Jane is a better pupil than Lucy. 4. This book is more interesting than that book. 5. February is the shortest month of the year.

Ответ дал: SmitXXX


1. The weather is nastier today than it was yesterday.

2. It is the worst day of all.

3. Jane is a better pupil than Lucy.

4. This book is more interesting than that book.

5. February is the shortest month of the year.


1. Погода сегодня противнее, чем вчера.

2. Это худший день из всех.

3. Джейн - лучше ученица, чем Люси.

4. Эта книга интереснее, чем там книга

5. Февраль - самый короткий месяц года.

sachenkov2009: спасибо
SmitXXX: на здоровье)
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