Write the correct form of the modal verb (Поставь модальный глагол в нужную форму в косвенной речи).

1. ‘She can lend you the book.’ — I said that she...lend him the book.
2. ‘You mustn’t be late.’ — He said that I...be late.
3. ‘Sally should send the letter as soon as possible.’ — He said that Sally...send the letter as soon as possible.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. ‘She can lend you the book.’ — I said that she could lend him the book.

2. ‘You mustn’t be late.’ — He said that I mustn't be late.

3. ‘Sally should send the letter as soon as possible.’ — He said that Sally should send the letter as soon as possible.

asuscab7819: 1 could 2 mustn't 3 should
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