Простое задание

Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1. Don’t you think that (this/these) shorts (is/are) too short? 2. Your clothes (as/are) so beautiful! Where do you buy (it/them)? 3. Where (is/are) your old gown? – I threw (it/them) away. 4. (This/These) mittens (is/are) very warm. 5. I like (this/these) sandals, show (it/them) to me, please. 6. Where (is/are) your other trainer? I can’t find (it/them). 7. (This/These) pyjamas (is/are) soft and comfortable. 8. Mother’s gloves (is/are) really beautiful. I’d like to wear (it/them) as well.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. Don’t you think that these shorts are too short?

2. Your clothes are so beautiful! Where do you buy them?

3. Where is your old gown? – I threw it away.

4. These mittens are very warm.

5. I like these sandals, show them to me, please.

6. Where is your other trainer? I can’t find it.

7. These pyjamas are soft and comfortable.

8. Mother’s gloves are really beautiful. I’d like to wear them as well.

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