Complete the sentences in Present Continuous
1. I _________ (go) to the supermarket tomorrow.
2. My sister _________ (give) me her car when she gets her new one.1
3. We _________ (have) a barbecue on Sunday.1
4. All my friends _________ (come) to my party next week.1
5. We _________ (take) my niece to Aquapark later today.

Срочно пожалуйста​


Ответ дал: Fashon


Объяснение:1. am going

2. is giving

3. are having

4. are coming

5. are taking

Ответ дал: butterslime4totoro

1. I am going to the supermarket tomorrow.

2. My sister is giving me her car when she gets her new one.

3. We are having a barbecue on Sunday

4. All my friends are coming to my party next week

5. We are taking my niece to Aquapark later today.


Present continuous=am/is/are+verb+ing

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